Thursday, April 29, 2010

Calories and BMI

Consuming the correct amount of calories is important for a person, and especially a runner. If a runner consumes too little calories, they will not have enough fuel for their run. The amount of calories required by a runner's body varies among each runners because of gender, size, age, etc. A calorie calculator can give a runner an idea about how much calories they need to consume based on the amount of their activity level, however, caloric needs will change based on activity level, etc. Female teens are currently recommended to consume less than 2200 calories, and teenage boys less than 2500-3000 calories. However, this suggestion is not true for everyone because runners may burn more calories than those who don't, and thus need more calories.

BMI, or body mass index, is a measurement that estimates how much body fat a person has based on weight and height of that individual. Based on a person's BMI, it can help them figure out if they are at a healthy weight. However, a teenager's BMI isn't always correct. Some kids who have a lot of muscle will have a BMI that says they are overweight, even if they have very little fat.

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